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Front Raise
Associated with bodybuilding shoulder sessions, the Front Raise is an excellent tool to specifically load the anterior fibres of the...
Copenhagen Bridge - Short lower leg adduction
Progressing the Copenhagen Bridge can be done in numerous way, this variety utilises the lower legs adduction movement whilst the top leg...
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Clam 30 degree hold
The first of the initial Clam series of exercise options. The 30 degree hold variety can be a useful exercise for those with very...
Hip Thruster - Hold
Progressing from bodyweight variations of the hip thruster, you can utilise the Hip Thruster Hold, where you begin to load across the...
Plank Up-Downs
A great option for loading the abdominals during a HIIT-type session, the plank up-downs is a metabolic as well as stability challenge....
Rectus Femoris Foam Roll
Huge bang for your mobility buck when you target the rectus femurs due to is influence on restricting the ranges or giving resistance...
Lateral Hang - Pallof Hold
This advanced core exercise is a combination of the Pallof Press and the Lateral Hang, creating a high demand on the trunk lateral...
Incline Screw Curl
A typical bodybuilding accessory movement that gets a bit of a bad rap. It is undeniably a good option for anyone wanting to hypertrophy...
Our Preferred: Sweetness
Sweet tooth? Here are some helpful ways to have that satisfied with sugar substitutions that bring more to the meal than just sweetness
Side Plank Split Stance Loaded
Processing the Split Stance Side plank can be very easy, just hold a weight on your top hip. The added load to the centre of the bridge...
Reverse Lunge
The reverse lunge is a programming favourite due to the hip dominance of the pattern and can be a very useful option if forward lunging...
TFL Foam Roll
The tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL) is a muscle connected to the Ilioitibial Band (ITB) which is taut structure on the outside of the thigh...
Zercher Forward Lunge
The Zercher pattern is an extremely useful carrying pattern to aid global trunk strength and capacity which comes in useful for anyone...
Split Squat Calf Raise
This variation of calf raise is a great way to introduce instability to ankle joint whilst going through plantar flexion range of motion....
Aleknas - Arms loaded
Moving on from the more upper abdominal dominant aleknas pattern of arms only, you can increase the work load into the upper abdominals...
An abundant summer fruit which has huge versatility and can be used in breakfasts, salads or puddings. We can't get enough of these beauties
Hip Seated Lateral Rotation - Banded
This is not a commonly used exercise or infact range of motion that is trained. The fact is that not only will you gain a great deal of...
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